
Material: Natural Plaster

Material: Natural Plaster

“Drywall is the number three producer of greenhouse gasses among building materials, trailing just behind cement and steel. Its production generates 200 million tons of carbon dioxide gas, a host of gypsum mines, and immense amounts of energy are required to fire the 500 degree kilns in which it is produced.” - INHABIT

In addition to the toxins drywall puts into the atmosphere, it also leaches toxins into our homes. Here are some materials on the horizon that aim to solve this problem:

Plaster is a natural wall finish and is chemical & VOC free. If applied in a traditional lath & plaster method, plaster could replace drywall. After having worked in the construction industry, I don’t know how anything could be more costly than a drywall installation! It is complex, messy, creates dust all over the jobsite, has to be primed immediately due to the dust, which means more time.

Natural plasters eliminate the need for paint and create a beautiful and permanent wall finish. More on Dezeen and Clay Works.