
Case Study: Naturhus

“In the 1970s, Swedish eco-architect Bengt Warne built his radical Nature House. Essentially a conventional home wrapped within a greenhouse, the Nature House served not only as a testbed and research center, but a home where he and his family actually lived, warmed year-round by the sun.”

Case Study: Naturhus

“In the 1970s, Swedish eco-architect Bengt Warne built his radical Nature House. Essentially a conventional home wrapped within a greenhouse, the Nature House served not only as a testbed and research center, but a home where he and his family actually lived, warmed year-round by the sun.” on Core 77

The Greenhouse concept

Utilizing existing concepts to create sustainable building solutions is practical and efficient as it takes advantage of existing infrastructure and can quickly be achieved utilizing local talent versed in the construction typology. In this case, the greenhouse would be designed and assembled by a qualified local contractor who is already familiar with greenhouse construction. This contractor would also have the knowledge of greenhouse specific HVAC systems that operate efficiently.

Integrating a greenhouse with the building exterior solves many problems:

  1. Waste & water systems

    • The gardens provide opportunities for onsite gray water management and waste water treatment systems

    • Opportunities for rain catchment, filtration and irrigation into food systems

  2. Local food production

    • Integrating food systems into the architecture helps solve several other problems: wastewater management, moisture caused by breathing, dishes, showers, & other systems, and air purification.

  3. Year round (indoor) outdoor space

    • Creating indoor/outdoor space provides more opportunities to be in communion with plants year round.

    • Sharing space with plants is proven to contribute to well being.

  4. Heating, Ventilation & Cooling

    • Greenhouses incorporate simple and efficient louvered vent technology to constantly maintaining proper balance of temperature and moisture content. Interior spaces and greenhouse spaces can provide balance control for temperature and moisture utilizing this same technology.