
Method: Pier foundations

“In the 1970s, Swedish eco-architect Bengt Warne built his radical Nature House. Essentially a conventional home wrapped within a greenhouse, the Nature House served not only as a testbed and research center, but a home where he and his family actually lived, warmed year-round by the sun.”

Method: Pier Foundations

There are many advantages to building on a pier foundation system vs. a continuous poured concrete foundation with a slab on grade. There are also considerations to explore with this widely used construction method. Pier foundations are commonly utilized in flood prone areas, however they can be used anywhere.


Design Opportunities & Considerations:

  • Opportunities for storage / car ports.

  • Enhanced utility access.

  • Creates more opportunities for ventilation.

  • Provides opportunities for LED gardens.

  • As with any structural system, local building codes will need to be applied and approved by a licensed professional.